Week 3 - Let the Fasting Begin!!

Saturday, February 1, 2014
Well week 3 has come to a close.  Today I had a good workout..considering I got dizzy and almost passed out. I was bummed out I didn't finish the full hour (even though I think I was shy like 10 min or so).  I had a later appointment and I dont eat before I go in to keep from getting sick.  I screwed up my breathing on one exercise..and before I knew it..I was seeing those bright white and black spots >.<.
Overall, I enjoyed my workout because I felts like I worked my muscles well.

So today was the beginning of my juice fast. I've done surprisingly well on day one. Maybe its the "newness" of it?  I had about 4 juices today (16 oz each). I made 6 and I got one at The Urban Juicer which was sooo good. It had pineapple, apple, coconut water and mint.  I was inspired and I ran to the Turnip Truck (another local Nashville place - local grocery) and bought some fresh mint leaves.  I added it to my apple, carrot, cucumber.  It's so good! Gives it a hint of mint.
When I started "coming out" about my fast, strangely, many of my friends and coworkers were concerned about the possibility of..*ahem* bathroom issues.  I had 4 people one morning tell me that I would be running to relieve myself.  Thanks..I think...for the warning?  So to those people, I made you a nice thank you card...

Front of Card

Inside Card

I thought it was a nice thing to do since I had so many people concerned about my poo.  One of my bff's, Candy, helped me come up with the creative thank you note.  I couldn't have done it without her. I can't wait to print these!! Candy and I even discussed business cards to carry with me so I can pass them out to anyone who might question my bowels.

Moving on :)

Day one out of five.  Wednesday seems so far away but I know its not.  The hardest part about today, I was CRAVING salt. I just wanted to open a bag of crackers, salt and vinegar chips, sunflower seeds, anything within reach and eat it!  I didn't though.  I just found something to occupy my time and keep my mind off of it (yay Netflix!).   My plan is to weigh in on Thursday morning once my fast is complete (I normally weigh Saturday mornings) and see what the total weight lost was from the 5 days.
So far on my journey, I have lost 6 lbs (3 lbs each week 1 and 2 but maintained weight on week 3)!  Which to me I only have to lose 15 pounds to get to the next milestone. I will share weights and what not later. Owning a weight is one thing..sharing it to others..its scary.

So this week was unreasonably cold out (2 degrees one night!) so I didn't go to the gym.  AT ALL.  Bad excuse I know. I did however get in a couple of Xbox One Fitness workouts in this week.  They vary greatly. They have cardio, weights, PX90, Insanity and Jillian Michaels *shivers* (she scares me).  I did a few of the cardio sessions and they kicked my butt.  Mind you, the Xbox Fitness uses the Kinect to see you.  It can tell your form showing a mini view on the right so you can see it as well.  As you progress through the workout, you can see yourself moving and dancing like a fool.  Now this contraption (the Kinect) can tell what parts you are working most by causing that area to glow on your mini me reflection.  The instructor will break down a move and have you follow along.  It will tell you "Great Job!" or "Work your shoulders more!" or "Try to keep up!".  Come to think of it...xbox fitness is bossy!

See what I mean?!  Ok, not really THAT bossy. But it knows pretty well if you're not keeping a decent form or not keeping up.  Not saying you can't totally cheat the system but come on, you're only cheating yourself!  Xbox Fitness is free for one year (per terms upon signing up) with your Xbox Gold Membership.

 "Optimize every workout with immediate feedback on your form, power and heart rate with the all new Kinect, featuring Muscle Mapping, Power Gauge, and Pulse." - www.xbox.com 

Information from Xbox website 
Each workout has specific achievements, records, goals etc to meet. Gives you a little bit of motivation knowing that you are working toward something.  So if you have an Xbox One, I encourage you to try it out. It's free with your membership.  Most of the work outs are only 10 minutes! 10 minutes and back to Call of Duty!

Well that is all I have for now.  Please follow! Share! I hope that I can inspire one person just as my friend inspired me.  Happy weekend!

GLHF (Good luck, Have fun)


Jader Says:
February 2, 2014 at 8:23 AM

Getting sick or nearly sick while working out sucks. I had to be really careful and keep my runs short when I was starting out-- trying to run through the nausea was not a great idea. Keep at it and it will get better, or at the very least your body will teach you what it will and won't put up with.

Jader Says:
February 2, 2014 at 8:26 AM

Workout games are the BEST! I really want a kinect, since the wii fit is more limited. Also, Xbox has Star Wars Kinect-- complete with dancing games where Han Solo and Lando Calrissian have a dance off.
Keep with updates on how those are going for you and which games work for you.

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